Get Better Visibility as a Salon Industry Coach, Mentor or Consultant
Need more business? We have optimized our consultants page to be the most visible industry platform available.
We have thousands of website visitors each month that you could be doing business with! Put your business front and center, keep yourself at the top of our search and grow your business today!
Options for Consultants, Coaches and Mentors
- Custom, (yearly) blog post or Q&A on the subject of your choice.
- Email blast to thousands of salon industry professionals.
- Editing rights to your listing.
- Links to your website, contact details, social media links and more.
- Boosted & optimized, highly visible listing for all website visitors to see.
- One social media post on our social accounts, per year just for your business.
#1 Pay to play- $1,000 yearly
#2 Cross promotion- FREE. We require a backlink to our website along with an email blast about our services to your audience to qualify.
Our pricing is based on a yearly subscription and it includes one fully optimized guest blog post per year, full control over editing your profile, direct link to your website and social media. We will reach out once we receive payment to chat about any edits you would like on your listing as well as to send you the template for our guest blog post.
This is a “we will scratch your back if you scratch ours”, type of arrangement. You MUST have a website to qualify! If you choose this option, we will be in touch to discuss details based on your online presence.
Choose which options works best for your business.