NACCAS Accreditation Consultants- LARK Education Associates
ABOUT: Need help with Cosmetology school accreditation? LARK is the go-to NACCAS Accreditation Consultants!
Our accreditation consultants have helped countless schools obtain and maintain their accreditation, both through conducting consultations and by providing technical assistance over the telephone. Our accreditation consultants have completed many applications, compiled many institutional self-studies, and assisted many schools with their accreditation visits. Additionally, while working at NACCAS our associates have conducted hundreds of visits, including candidate consultations, initial accreditation, renewal of accreditation, change of ownership, additional location, special consultations, and unannounced visits. If you have a question in regards to accreditation, we’re here to assist you.
NACCAS Accreditation Consultants visit your institution and evaluate what your current policies and practices are to determine which are and are not in compliance with accreditation standards, and then bring them all into compliance. Our consultants believe in working smarter, rather than harder. Their goal is to provide you with the training and tools necessary to develop institutional self-sufficiency in accreditation compliance.
Specialties: Applying for Candidate Status and/or Initial Accreditation, Renewal of Accreditation, Preparing an Institutional Self-Study (ISS), Preparing for an Accreditation Visit, Virtual Visit Preparation and Submission of Documentation and much more! Visit our website for our full list of services.
We work with: All Cosmetology, Barber and Spa industry schools
Brand Affiliation: No
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