Salon and Spa Management Companies and Consultants
Salon and Spa Management Companies and Consultants- The Ardent Factory- Tina Chestnut ABOUT: We weren’t born to handle it all and spa management companies are
Salon and Spa Management Companies and Consultants- The Ardent Factory- Tina Chestnut ABOUT: We weren’t born to handle it all and spa management companies are
Eco Friendly Salon Coaching- Sustain Beauty Co. ABOUT: What is eco friendly salon coaching? A long history in the beauty industry that spans hair color
Solo Nail Technician Advisor- Solo Salon Owner ABOUT: I am a solo nail technician advisor, if you are struggling to make it, I can help!
Beauty Business Building- So You Are A Hairstylist- Missy Megginson ABOUT: I teach beauty biz marketing and communication. Are you ready for beauty business building??
Salon Business Management Courses and Consultancy- The Statements Project- Nikki Trowbridge ABOUT: Mentorship, training and education in person and salon business management courses. We are
Marketing Salon Business Classes and Consulting- Shine Salon Success (UK) ABOUT: We know what it is like to run a small business. Most owners need
Salon Business Training- Salt Society ABOUT: Do you need salon business training? Would you like to be running the salon of your dreams in just
Booth Rental Agreement Expert- Lee Spencer- Start Up Stylists ABOUT: Booth Rental Agreement Expert, Salon Coach & Mentor. Teaching stylists to learn about Leases, Landlords
Salon Business Strategy- Carla Jones- Salon Solutions Group ABOUT: Carla’s salon business strategy is centered around YOU! She customizes her solutions to fit every salon
Social Media for Hair Salons- Nicole Healy- Social Salon School (AUS) ABOUT: We love supporting & sharing hairdressers from around the world. We offer a